Manor-Lords:Rye cultivation

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This page was last edited on 11 June 2024, at 05:42.

Rye Cultivation is part of the Farming developments tree in Manor Lords. It unlocks a new crop, Rye, which can be converted into Flour and then Bread.

Rye Cultivation details

  • Development type: Farming
  • Buildings affected: Fields
  • Development to unlock first: Orchardry

How to unlock

Rye Cultivation can be found under the Orchardry brand in the Farming Tree. First, unlock Orchardry, after which Rye Cultivation will be unlocked.


Wheat alternative

Rye is a good alternative to Wheat and can be converted to Grain in Farmhouse. You can use this Grain to make Flour and then Bread, once you have built Windmill, Communal Oven or Bakery Extensions.

Rye is easier to grow than Wheat

While Wheat needs to be planted in very fertile land, Rye does not. That means you can start harvesting Grain for Bread production without needing the ideal field conditions.

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