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Throughout the XDefiant preseason, the community’s flurry of complaints against DedSec’s frustrating spider bot ability has been well-documented. Unfortunately, instead of providing a nerf to these metal arachnids of doom, the dev team has somehow made things worse with the Season 1 update. Because this time, instead of being able to shoot them off yourself by pointing and firing your weapon downward, you can no longer do so (this was apparently a bug and not a feature).
This means you either have to destroy them before they facehug you or rely on your teammates to shoot them off your face. Of course, since the latter is never a reliable option, especially in public lobbies, you’re practically left with the former, which is already difficult because of the game’s fast-paced nature. Plus, with the spider bot’s current design, it becomes even worse since it only has a 20-second cooldown, tremendously slows you down, blinds you, and does a decent amount of damage.
Naturally, some XDefiant players are calling on the developers to give spider bots a nerf because lobbies infested with these small machines of mass destruction are becoming commonplace. Not even the arrival of the new GSK faction makes up for the war crimes these spider bots continuously commit. A few players have even admitted to abusing these overpowered spider bots in-game “just so [the devs] remove it.”
Unfortunately, with Season 1 having only begun recently, it doesn’t seem like a balance update to this ability will be happening soon. So, while you wait for an eventual spider-bot balance update, check out our pages on the best XDefiant P90 loadout and the best XDefiant MP5A2 loadouts. This way, you can run and gun your way through each XDefiant match without having to worry about those pesky spider bots.
- Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
- Genre(s): First-Person Shooter, Multiplayer, Shooter