Mirror’s Edge Catalyst trademarked in Europe

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ORIGINAL REPORT: A new trademark for a game called ‘Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’ has been registered in Europe.

Discovered by NeoGAF, the trademark was registered by UK law firm J A Kemp earlier today in relation to “computer game software” and “entertainment services”, presumably on behalf of EA.

However, the documentation fails to clarify whether the trademark is linked to next year’s PS4 and Xbox One game or an entirely different title.

Most people seem to think that Catalyst could be the name of an unannounced mobile tie-in, but there’s also the possibility that it could be the full title of next year’s game, which is due to tell the origin story of main character Faith.

The trademark’s filing also comes one week ahead of E3, where EA is expected to reveal more on the 2016 game. VideoGamer.com has contacted EA for comment.

UPDATE: A domain for the game – mirrorsedgecatalyst.com – has also been registered by EA. EA has yet to respond to VideoGamer.com’s request for comment.

UPDATE 2: EA has released a new image teasing the Catalyst name via the official Mirror’s Edge Twitter account.


Source: oami.europe.com (via neogaf.com)

About the Author

Mirror’s Edge

  • Platform(s): iOS, PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
  • Genre(s): Action, First Person, Shooter