VG’s Christmas Content Calendar
Hello everyone. It's that time of year when we all take a break from writing words and making pictures move to relax and spend…
VideoGamer.com Plays, 17th December, 2016 – Astroneer, Super Mario Run, Pokemon Sun/Moon, and Driver
Tom Orry, Editorial Director – Astoneer, Xbox One Astroneer, the indie game that looks a little bit like No Man's Sky, launched in early…
Forza Horizon 3’s Blizzard Mountain is exactly what I want from DLC
I've never been all that bothered about DLC for racing games. Maybe I'm a bit odd, but despite absolutely loving the genre I generally…
Tom’s Game of the Year – 2016: The Witness
It's hard to believe The Witness released in 2016. For that matter, it's hard to believe it was released at all. During my time…
Goodbye from Tom
I never thought I'd leave VideoGamer. A project started at university some 14 years ago, it became my life. I've always loved video games…
VideoGamer.com Plays, 10th December, 2016 – Final Fantasy XV, Pokémon Sun, Let it Die, Doom
Tom Orry, Editorial Director – Let it Die, PS4 Seeing as it's a free download I gave Let it Die, Suda 51's latest strange…
I’m playing Dead Rising 4 and I’m like, “Why aren’t I enjoying this more?”
I've been a casual player of Dead Rising over the years, so the big changes the series has seen since its inception don't bother…
VideoGamer.com Plays, 3rd December, 2016 – The Last Guardian, Mario Maker 3DS, Final Fantasy XV, Watch Dogs 2, South Park
Tom Orry, Editorial Director – The Last Guardian, PS4, Super Mario Maker for 3DS Are you ready for some big news? I haven't played…
The Last Guardian Review
The Last Guardian: Trico loves me, and I love him. But I also hate him Sony's heavily delayed and one time thought to be…
The Last Guardian: Trico loves me, and I love him. But I also hate him
I've shouted at Trico so many times that any onlookers might reasonably have discerned that The Last Guardian is a voice-operated game. It is…