Where’s Xur and what’s he selling in Destiny this weekend? October 9-11
Xur is back in Destiny once again with what must be his most disappointing offering since the launch of The Taken King. This week,…
Star Wars Battlefront Guide – 10 essential beginner’s tips
What are Star Cards in Star Wars Battlefront? Star Cards are items which can be unlocked and purchased to equip in multiplayer matches. Some…
Star Wars Battlefront: Guide Index
Star Wars Battlefront stands to be one of this holiday's biggest releases. With the launch of the much-anticipated Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the…
NBA 2K16: A beginner’s guide to offence
While NBA 2K16 is the most impressive NBA game 2K has ever produced, and is arguably the best sports game around, the series continues…
NBA 2K16: Guide Index
2K and Visual Concepts continues to go from strength to strength with its NBA offering. With a new in-depth career mode directed by Spike…
Where’s Xur and what’s he selling in Destiny this weekend? October 2-4
Xur's here and once again Destiny players can spend all their hard-earned Strange Coins and Motes of Light to stock up on Exotic Weapons…
FIFA 16 Guide – How to build the best Ultimate Team for free
Want to buy a player? Always compare price With price ranges being far wider this year than when they were first introduced, you have…
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Guide – How to win every match in FUT Draft
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team's FUT Draft is quickly proving one of the game's most popular new additions. With players being given the chance to…
FIFA 16 Guide: 13 Essential Tips
FIFA 16 provides one of the most dramatic gameplay overhauls the series has seen in years. With that VideoGamer has put together 13 tips…
Bungie addresses Destiny’s Three Coins Exotic Engram exploit
Bungie has sought to eradicate an early exploit in Destiny: The Taken King that allowed players to easily farm Exotic Engrams. The exploit came…