The First Descendant how to get Python and best build

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✓ At a glance
  • Python is an Ultimate tier submachine gun that you can get by researching it with Anais in Albion.
  • You will need to research Polymer Syncytium, Synthetic Fiber, Nano Tube, and get the Python Blueprint to be able to research the weapon.
  • Python’s special ability lowers defences and resistances of enemies with Weak Spots, making it excellent for shredding bosses.

Most end-game weapons in The First Descendant can serve as both good general options, as well as filling a specialist niche. Python is a good example, being an Ultimate submachine gun that excels at taking down Colossi by targeting their weak spots. We’ll explain how you can get your hands on one and give insight how to build it.

How to research Python

Python is an Ultimate weapon that needs to be researched in Albion with Anais after reaching Mastery Rank 10. You will need to gather several rare components to begin the research, many of which will need to be researched themselves. 

Image of the Python research screen in The First Descendant.
It takes a lot of time and resources to research Python. Captured by VideoGamer

In addition to researching Python’s relevant components, you will have to acquire the Python Blueprint, which only drops for Amorphous Materials. So ironically, to kill bosses with this SMG, you’ll need to defeat them first to get the material you need. This is what you’ll need to craft the weapon:

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ComponentHow to get
Python Polymer SyncytiumResearch with blueprint
Python Synthetic FiberResearch with blueprint
Python Nano TubeResearch with blueprint
Python BlueprintRandom drop
100,000 GoldN/A

As we can see, three components need to be researched beforehand, which means spending more time, gold, and materials to get them. All in all, it will take a total of 250,000 gold and 8 hours of research time to get the Python, as well as all the resources you need to grind for.

While preparing everything for crafting, it’s a good idea to try and focus on obtaining components one by one and planning farming routes. It will take a while, so be patient and try to get everything you need in order, then move on to the next component.

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Image of the Python Blueprint requirements in The First Descendant.
The blueprint offers several missions that you can farm to get it. Captured by VideoGamer

How to get Python Blueprint

The Blueprint is the component that could take the most randomness to drop. The best way to get it is through a Void boss battle, but there are also a few missions that offer a small drop chance:

  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Dead Bride (Amorphous Material Pattern: 025)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in Vespers – Ruins (Hard)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in Fortress – Defense Line (Hard)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in Sterile Land – Repository (Hard)

How to get Python Polymer Syncytium

You will need to get the Blueprint for this component, as well as several other materials. Then, it will take 2 hours to complete the research. Here’s everything that you’ll need:

ResourceAmount needed
Crystal Biogel11
Python Polymer Syncytium Blueprint1

There are a couple of ways to get your hands on the Blueprint:

  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Devourer (Amorphous Material Pattern: 029)
  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Swamp Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 044-Mutant AA)
  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Swamp Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 044)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in Kingston – Grand Square (Hard)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in Agna Desert – Vermillion Waste (Hard)

How to get Python Synthetic Fiber

Just like before, you’ll need to get the Blueprint for this piece, then combine it with other necessary materials. It will then take another 2 hours to research it. Here’s what you need to get:

ResourceAmount needed
Positive Ion Particle10
Python Synthetic Fiber Blueprint1

You’ll need to face down bosses to get the Blueprint for this component:

  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Grave Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 005)
  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Stunning Beauty (Amorphous Material Pattern: 009)
  • Intercept Battle (Hard): Swamp Walker (Amorphous Material Pattern: 096)
  • Intercept Battle (Hard): Obstructer (Amorphous Material Pattern: 105)

How to get Python Nano Tube

The third and final component that needs to be researched will also require a Blueprint first. Then, combine it with the other materials on the list below and wait for 2 hours for the research to complete. This is everything you’ll need to grind for:

ResourceAmount needed
Monad Shard62
Ceramic Composite102
Conductive Metallic Foil8
Python Nano Tube Blueprint1

There are a few ways to get the necessary Blueprint:

  • Intercept Battle (Normal): Pyromaniac (Amorphous Material Pattern: 039)
  • Intercept Battle (Hard): Executioner (Amorphous Material Pattern: 059)
  • Void Fusion Reactor mission in Sterile Land – Repository (Normal)
  • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor mission in White-night Gulch – Hatchery (Hard)
Image of the weapon stats for Python in The First Descendant.
Watch out for Python’s high recoil and you’ll do great. Captured by VideoGamer

What does the Python Ultimate SMG do?

Python is an Ultimate submachine gun that uses general (white) rounds and excels at taking down weak spots on bosses. In addition, it has an effect that lowers the enemy’s defences and Toxin resistance. However, it suffers from low range and high recoil, so it’s a good idea to offset that with modules. Also, the gun has a great fire rate and decent damage, which is even better if it can stack its Prey unique ability.

Speaking of which, let’s discuss the bread and butter of this gun, its special ability called Prey. Upon hitting a Weak Point on an enemy, it inflicts the following Prey debuff stack:

Duration1 second
Max Stacks20
Non-Attribute Resistance-2%
Toxin Resistance-1%
Non-Attribute Resistance per Stack-3.6%
Toxin Resistance per Stack-1.3%

As we can see, you can stack this up to 20, and with Python’s fire rate, that can be done pretty quickly. That will make shredding bosses a breeze with this weapon once you’ve built up the stacks. 

Image of the unique ability, Prey, of the Python gun in The First Descendant.
Preys is an amazing stacking debuff that only works on enemies with Weak Spots. Captured by VideoGamer

Best build for Python

Python is best deployed when fighting Colossus bosses that have Weak Spots to leverage Prey. The Modules you use should be aimed at increasing its ATK value, expanding the magazine size, and lowering Recoil.

After that, you should look to leverage the gun’s Toxin debuff by adding Toxin damage, increasing fire rate, and even mods that increase Weak Point damage. To that end, look for some of the following Modules:

Action and ReactionFirearm ATK +15%, Recoil +5%
Consume MagazinesReload Time Modifier +25%, Weak Point Damage +2%
Expand Weapon ChargeRounds per Magazine +49%
Fire Rate UPFire Rate +25%
Fixed ShotRecoil -30%, Weak Point Damage +2%
Have AimingWeak Point Damage +40%, Accuracy -20%
Maximize Weight BalanceRounds per Magazine +30%, Weak Point Damage +2%
Mental FocusFire Rate -10%. When firing a firearm, Firearm ATK +1% for 2s
Pinpoint ShotFirearm ATK +26%, Weak Point Damage +2%
Poison PriorityToxic ATK +50%, Reload Time Modifier -30%
Rifling ReinforcementFirearm ATK +32%
Toxic EnhancementAdds Toxic ATK equal to 30% of Firearm ATK
Vibration AbsorptionRecoil -45%
Weak Point AimingAccuracy +30%, Weak Point Damage +2%
Weak Point SightWeak Point Damage +35%

Best Descendants for Python

The most obvious Descendant to use Python with is Freyna. She specializes in dealing Toxic damage through DoTs, which pairs perfectly with the gun’s Prey debuff. Lower the boss’ resistances and defences and apply her DoTs, then watch the health melt away.

Alternatively, you could try using it with Gley. The Python’s high rate of fire pairs well with Gley’s Massacre ability, transferring the fire rate bonus between the two. With that said, you can use Python with any Descendant to take down bosses, but the two we mentioned above will provide the most synergy with the gun’s capabilities.

About the Author

Miljan Truc

Miljan has been into gaming since the days of Sega Mega Drive and Amiga. During his gaming career, he has raided at a high level, coached other players, and written about games since 2016.

The First Descendant

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action, Adventure, RPG
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