Space Marine 2 – Best classes for different scenarios

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✓ At a glance
  • All classes are viable in Space Marine 2.
  • Each Class has a unique ability that offers them a key playstyle.
  • Each class has weapon perks and class perks that suite various build and playstyles. This gives each class a  different role or scenarios in Operation or in PvP.
  • Mess around with playstyles and weapons you like to work out what you want to perform well at and master that niche.

Space Marine 2’s multiplayer is filled with class-based combat, each with weapon and perk builds that offer some interesting gameplay choices and niche options to help get the most out of different scenarios you may find yourself in. It’s worth noting that all the classes are functional, and give players the option to complete and win games in PvP or take on foes in Operation modes, ranging from horde clearing, point holding, boss killing or elite takedowns. So, this best class guide for Space Marine 2 will give you the low down on how to use each class to their fullest potential.

Best Space Marine 2 classes

To make it easier, we’ll give you a paragraph about each class and what tey are best at. This can help you figure out if the class is right for you, alongside what weapons they use. Expect a good explanation of how they work in Operations mode, and if the class stands out in PvP, then we’ll mention that too.

The Assault is all about diving in and dealing significant melee damage, amking thems trong for horde control, burst and PvP ambushes. Image via VideoGamer.


Assault is the class that has access to the jetpack and Thunder Hammer. This makes them a solid class for ambushing enemies in PvP with powerful attacks. They can also charge up the heavy on the Thunder Hammer for a long time, which deals very strong damage. Use this to flank enemies, charge up an attack when enemies are in melee and pop a boss. Using this also works very well for nuking boss health in Operations, as well as general horde nuking, especially, against Chaos Operatios as they often spawn in clumps with the glowing blue balls.

The Bulwark is the best class in Space Marine 2 for tanking and holding chokeholds and objectives. Image via VideoGamer.


Bulwarks are the tankiest class in the game with the shield, making them very good at ignoring heavy ranged difficulties. Their ability also restores Armour, which is very good against very hard swarm or choke hold areas. They’ll be very good for learning Operation and taking blows for bigger DPS classes in Operations mode.

In PvP, Bulwark players are strong melee DPS, with their banner and shield used very well to hold objectives. They can also spec into the more melee damage perks to make them a threat. If there are maps you like playing with indoor chokeholds or to sit on objectives, then you can cause a ruckus using those type of builds.

The Heavy uses extremly poweful weapon to melt through hordes or deal significantly strong burst damage with their weapons. Image via VideoGamer.


Heavy class masters the Heavy Bolter and the Multi-Melta. These make them good for harassing ranged heavy classes like Neurothorpes, Lesser SOrcerers and booking hordes  The Mutli-Melta lets them play most close range, which is handy for closer range Operations or fighting enemies on pint controls. The Multi-Melta does lots of burst damage very close range. Throw in the class’ ability to defect ranged attacks, they can perform very well like Bulwark with added firepower behind it. They are very good at being very flexible about whatever you need.

The Sniper is a specialist with the long range or precision weapons, dealing huge damage to enemy weakspots. Image via VideoGamer.


Snipers are a high-skill class, with a focus on doing more headshot damage with precision damage. Both the perks in the class and the weapons they use reflect this. Their strongest case for usability is the Lazrifle, which is acharged up high damage weapon. It’s the strongest weapon in the game against elites, especially when you land a headshot. We are talking about three hitting Terminators, for example. So, make sure to use the class well with good aim to ensure the Sniper does its job effectively. This ability is used to escape hostiles with the cloaking effect to help you set up in these ideal spots. Snipers are a good choice for Operation and dealing with high prio threats, for both PvP and Operations.

The Tactical Marine is a master of versatility and can be changed easily to fill any gaps in teams or multiplayer modes. Image via VideoGamer.


Tactical marines are very versatile with the widest selection of primary weapons. This allows them to adapt to most situations or play as your standard marine in multiplayer. If there’s a type of weapon you like, there are certain perks to level the class up, such as better damage, faster fire rate or whatever you like using. So, you can become the general al around the unit for clearing hordes, popping elites, or harassing health bars where possible.

Tactical also shines very well in PvP, as the PvP mode can be a lot more chaotic in nature. So, having access to a strong bolter for the mode you like can offer a lot of value, more so than other classes. Go for your rapid-fire close-range bolter for objective PvP modes. Or, if you like defending, use the Heavy Bolter. For a more agile playstyle, feel free to go for the extended mag bolster and offer a lot of pressure. The choice is up to you.

The Vanguard is a melee DPS assassin-type class, best used to defeat elites or huge blows to bosses. Image via VideoGamer.


The Vanguard is your rogue-type class. It is all about getting in close range with its hook ability, allowing them to get Gun Hit effect off, which does big damage. This enables Vanguard to be a specialised elite killer for close-range playstyles. They get quite a lot of strong close-range weapons, alongside a decent selection of melee weapons. So, if you like that hit-and-run style, that is what they excel at. Be advised that the Vanguard only has two armour slots, compared to most classes three. So, you’ll need to master the class and know when you use your hook to pick targets off in Operations, especially on harder difficulties. 

Meanwhile, Vanguard is likely a fantastic pick for countering players in PvP, which is where you’ll find the best Vanguard players. Using the Hook shot to counter Assault players or Bulwark players will be your main goal. If you can get through the front line and pressure snipers, you can also put a lot of pressure on them by rolling their coped shots and then hooking them.

About the Author

Craig Robinson

Craig is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is a big-time MMO fan, with interests in competitive games like League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. When he’s not sweating games, you can find him get

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Action