How To Evolve Tinkatink in Pokémon Scarlet And Violet

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The release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet brought an adorable family of Pokémon with it, in the form of Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, and Tinkaton. Tinkatink possesses strong Fairy-Steel dual typing along with high stats, so it should be a strong contender for your party. However, you can take these stats even further by evolving it into its successors.

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This leaves us with the question: how can you evolve Tinkatink into Tinkatuff and Tinkaton? Well, sit back and relax because we’re here to guide you through the whole evolution process of Tinkatink! 

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How To Evolve Tinkatink into Tinkatuff

According to its’ Pokedex entry, the best place to search for Tinkatuff is near ruins. Your best bet is searching around the following areas:

  • South Province (Area One)
  • South Province (Area Two)
  • West Province (Area One)
  • South of Artazon in the South Province

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You’ll probably notice that all of these areas are pretty close to your characters home town, meaning you can get Tinkatink quite early on in the game. If you’re itching to have one in your party right after you start the game, you should probably head to its’ habitats in South Province Area One. 

Make sure to look around the ruins. If you’re lucky, you’ll manage to see this tiny creature walking around with an even tinier hammer!

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In order to evolve your Tinkatink into its’ first stage evolution, Tinkatuff, you’ll need to train it up to level 24. Tinkatink will automatically evolve after that.

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You can also search for Tinkatuffs later on in the game as well. These cutesy beasts can be spotted around ancient ruins, carrying hammers too big for their size. The best places to hunt for wild Tinkatuffs are around the North Eastern region of Pladea or just North of the Great Crater of Paldea. 

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Players should note that it’s much more convenient to look for Tinkatinks since they spawn more regularly. On the other hand, Tinkatuffs spawn rather infrequently in their own habitats, and those areas of the map take a while to reach if you’re just starting the game.

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How To Evolve Tinkatink Into Tinkaton

Unlike its’ pre-evolutions, there’s only one way to obtain Tinkaton: by evolving one of your Tinkatuffs. 

You’ll have to level up your Pokémon to level 38 in order to evolve it. Your Tinkatuff transform into its’ final form upon reaching level 38, which you’ll easily be able to tell by the size of its’ trusty hammer. 

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Comparing Stats Of Tinkatink Evolutions

With all the grind you’re about to put into leveling up your Tinkatink, you must be wondering if it’s really worth its salt. Well, we think it is, but don’t go on our word; see the stat differences between all of Tinkatinks evolutions below and judge for yourself: 

Base Stats TinkatuffTinkatuffTinkaton
HP 506585
Sp. Attack354570
Sp. Defense6482105

Final Thoughts

Fairy and Steel are easily part of the top three typings in Pokemon, so having a Tinkatink that merges both is certainly worthy of a catch. Besides, Tinkaton gets access to a wide move pool, being able to learn many Fighting, Dark, Bug, and Ground-type moves alongside its’ STAB moves. Let us know what other guides you’d like to see about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in the comments section below! 

How To Evolve Tinkatink into Tinkatuff and Tinkaton in Scarlet And Violet FAQ

What level does Tinkatink evolve?

Tinkatink evolves into Tinkatuff at level 24

How to evolve Tinkatuff into Tinkaton?

Once your Tinkatuff reaches level 38, it will evolve into its final form Tinkaton

About the Author

Si Yan

Si Yan is an editor on, researching interesting topics, working with a team for content creation and then editing onto site. Game wise Si Yan loves Pokémon and Super Mario.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

  • Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
  • Genre(s): RPG
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