How To Evolve Quaxly In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduce some of the rarest, never seen before, Pokemon in the franchise’s history. One of the best Pokemon you can get right from the get-go is a cute duckling named Quaxly. It is a Water-type Pokemon that migrated to Paldea from a distant land, making it extremely rare.

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If you need a guide on the evolution of Quaxly, you have come to the right place. Buckle up as we explain how you can get Quaxly in Scarlet and Violet and what strong Pokemon you can evolve it into.

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How To Evolve Quaxly Into Quaxwell And Quaquaval?

Quaxly can be evolved into Quaxwell, which subsequently gets evolved into an even stronger Water-type Pokemon, Quaquaval. This line of evolution doesn’t require any special items and happens automatically by leveling up the Pokemon.

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Your Quaxly evolves into Quaxwell at level 15, which further evolves into Quaquaval at level 36.

Since Quaxly is viable Water-type, you’ll rely on it for many battles, especially early game. Therefore, you should be able to level it up rather quickly, giving it a chance for smooth evolution without investing in special XP items and other resources.

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Where To Find Quaxly?

Quaxly can be obtained as your starter Pokemon at the beginning of your adventure in Paldea. It is given to you by Director Clavell at the beginning of the game. However, you can pick only one starter Pokemon out of the three choices. If you skip Quaxly for another starter Pokemon, you can’t encounter it in the game again.

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That said, there’s another way of obtaining Quaxly, even if you pick some other starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. You can trade another Pokemon in exchange for Quaxly using the online trading system of Scarlet and Violet. Simply find another Trainer willing to trade their Quaxly to you, and you can add it to your collection.

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Stats Comparison Of Quaxly, Quaxwell, And Quaquaval

Quaxly will serve as one of your most trustworthy companions during the early game if you pick it as your starter Pokemon. It has solid stats across the board, and you can use it in initial Gym Battles, especially against opponents weaker to Water-type moves.

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As the game progresses, however, you’ll encounter tougher and higher-level opponents. With this natural increase in the game’s difficulty, you should prioritize the evolution of Quaxly into its stronger successors Quaxwell and Quaquaval. It’ll help you keep up with the game’s difficulty curve with you having a capable Water-type Pokemon in your back pocket.

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A comparison of stats between Quaxly, Quaxwell, and Quaquaval is given below:

Special Attack506585
Special Defense456075

Final Thoughts

This concludes our guide focused on the evolution process of Quaxly into Quaxwell and Quaquaval. If you chose Quaxly as your starter Pokemon, you wouldn’t have any complaints due to its reliable Water-type signature move, Torrent. You can find more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides on our page to improve the game much faster.

About the Author

Si Yan

Si Yan is an editor on, researching interesting topics, working with a team for content creation and then editing onto site. Game wise Si Yan loves Pokémon and Super Mario.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

  • Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
  • Genre(s): RPG
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