How to make TMs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Are you wondering how to make TMs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Technical Machines, or TMs in short, have existed since Generation 1 of the Pokémon games and have been an integral part of the franchise. TMs can easily teach your Pokémon Powerful new moves that they can’t learn from leveling up, thus setting off a Pokémon from their basic, vanilla moves.

For Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, there’s a new gimmick to obtaining TMs, and that is through TM Machines. These Machines can craft TMs; however, you’ll need recipes and Pokémon Resources (ingredients) to do so, and that is exactly what we’ll explain in this guide. The addition of the Indigo Disk DLC allows even more TMs to be made. So without further ado, let’s dive right in! 

How to make a TM in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

How To Use A TM In Pokémon Scarlet And Violet 
Image captured by VideoGamer

The TM crafting mechanic is new to the Pokémon franchise, and you’ll see it in the latest iterations, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. With that said, TMs can be created using TM Machines found at every Pokémon Center in Paldea. Head to any Pokémon Center; the green counter over there will represent your TM Machine.

Initially, there won’t be many TMs to craft, but as you come across new TMs either by exploring the overworld or through boss fights as rewards, those TMs will be added to the Machine. However, specific Resources are required to get them. These are the LPs (League Points) and the materials.

How to get TM materials

You can get LPs from Tera Raid Battles and through clearing Team Star Bases. In addition, you’ll also need crafting materials to craft TMs. These can be obtained from Pokémon battles, Penny after clearing Team Star Bases, and even your current TM machines in exchange for some LPs.

Furthermore, as you can see in the above Picture, there are question marks below the League Points. Don’t worry about them for now since these will uncover themselves as you collect the relevant Resources needed. Once you have the required materials for a TM, you can easily create a TM through the TM Machine.

What is the rarest resource (Ingredient)?

Obtaining LP is easy, so the rarest Resources are the crafting materials. One way to get materials is Pokémon Battles. For Instance, to craft the Psychic TM, you’ll need a Resource called Rellor Mud, which can be obtained after defeating a wild Rellor.

Coming on to the rarest crafting materials, this boils down to a Pokémon’s spawn rate. Examples are some Pseudo Legendaries drops, like the Frigibax Scales required for Draco Meteor and the Gible Scales for Dragon Claw. Another example is the Zorua Fur dropped by Zorua, and spotting the mischievous little trickster in the wild is challenging since it likes to disguise itself as another Pokémon. 

All TM Recipes

Of 171 TMs, only 100 TMs are available from TM recipes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The table below has all of them listed: 

TM No.TM NameWhere To Get TM RecipeTM Recipe Resources
TM013Acid SprayClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Wooper Slime
TM014AcrobaticsClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Wattrel Feather, 3 Bombirdier Feather
TM004AgilityClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Fletchling Feather, 3 Oricorio Feather
TM065Air SlashClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Noibat Fur, 3 Wingull Feather, 3 Flamigo Down
TM128AmnesiaClear Team Star’s Fire Base1,500 LP, 3 Slowpoke Claw, 3 Slakoth Fur
TM112Aura SphereClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Ralts Dust, 3 Riolu Fur, 3 Charcadet Soot
TM046AvalancheClear Team Star’s Fire Base1,500 LP, 3 Bergmite Ice, 3 Snorunt Fur
TM132Baton PassClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Girafarig Fur, 3 Eevee Fur
TM089Body PressClear Team Star’s Fighting Base8,000 LP, 5 Cetoddle Grease, 3 Hawlucha Down, 3 Pawniard Blade
TM066Body SlamClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Skwovet Fur, 3 Alomomola Mucus, 3 Chewtle Claw
TM058Brick BreakClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Makuhita Sweat, 3 Hawlucha Down, 3 Crabrawler Shell
TM162Bug BuzzClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Kricketot Shell, 3 Combee Honey, 3 Venonat Fang
TM064Bulk UpClear Team Star’s Psychic Base3,000 LP, 3 Makuhita Sweat, 3 Axew Scales
TM028BulldozeClear Team Star’s Dark Base1,500 LP, 3 Mudbray Mud, 3 Sandygast Sand
TM056Bullet SeedClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Sunkern Leaf, 3 Hoppip Leaf
TM129Calm MindClear Team Star’s Psychic Base3,000 LP, 3 Stantler Hair, 3 Indeedee Fur
TM023Charge BeamClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Mareep Wool, 3 Dedenne Fur
TM167Close CombatClear Team Star’s Fighting Base12,000 LP, 5 Riolu Fur, 3 Crawbrawler Shell, 3 Makuhita Sweat
TM017Confuse RayClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Gastly Gas, 3 Mareep Wool
TM108CrunchClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Maschiff Fang, 3 Bruxish Tooth, 3 Yungoos Fur
TM094Dark PulseClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 3 Zorua Fur, 3 Impidimp Hair, 3 Spiritomb Fragment
TM079Dazzling GleamClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 3 Hatenna Dust, 3 Swablu Fluff, 3 Fidough Fur
TM055DigClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Diglett Dirt, 3 Greavard Wax, 3 Orthworm Tarnish
TM169Draco MeteorDefeat Cassiopeia (Penny)14,000 LP, 8 Goomy Goo, 5 Frigibax Scales, 3 Applin Juice
TM078Dragon ClawClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Axew Scales, 3 Noibat Fur, 3 Gible Scales
TM100Dragon DanceClear Team Star’s Fighting Base5,000 LP, 3 Tatsugiri Scales, 3 Gible Scales, 3 Noibat Fur
TM115Dragon PulseClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Goomy Goo, 3 Swablu Fluff, 3 Tatsugiri Scales
TM044Dragon TailClear Team Star’s Fire Base1,500 LP, Dratini Scales, 3 Sandile Claw
TM073Drain PunchClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Croagunk Poison, 3 Mankey Fur, 3 Crabrawler Shell
TM037Draining KissClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Igglybuff Fluff, 3 Flabébé Pollen
TM106Drill RunClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Pineco Husk, 3 Dunsparce Scales, 3 Arrokuda Scales
TM133Earth PowerClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Silicobra Sand, 3 Shellos Mucus, 3 Barboach Slime
TM096Eerie ImpulseClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Voltorb Sparks, 3 Shinx Fang
TM072Electro BallClear Team Star’s Fairy Base5,000 LP, 3 Pachirisu Fur, 3 Voltorb Sparks, 3 Tadbulb Mucus
TM119Energy BallClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Deerling Hair, 3 Applin Juice, 3 Bramblin Twig
TM003Fake TearsClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Bonsly Tears, 3 Teddiursa Claw
TM144Fire PledgeClear Team Star’s Psychic Base8,000 LP, 3 Salandit Gas, 3 Numel Lava, 3 Capsakid Seed
TM067Fire PunchClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Meditite Sweat, 3 Charcadet Soot
TM024Fire SpinClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Gorwlithe Fur, 3 Torkoal Coal
TM038Flame ChargeClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Fletchling Feather, 3 Torkoal Coal
TM125FlamethrowerClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Litleo Tuft, 3 Houndour Fang, 3 Numel Lava
TM093Flash CannonClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 3 Varoom Fume, 3 Kelfki Key, 3 Tinkatink Hair
TM097FlyClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Squawkabilly Feather, 3 Bombirdier Feather, 3 Rufflet Feather
TM062Foul PlayClear Team Star’s Dark Base3,000 LP, 3 Murkrow Bauble, 3 Sandile Claw
TM111Giga DrainClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Capsakid Seed, 3 Hoppip Leaf, 3 Skiddo Leaf
TM081Grass KnotClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Cacnea Needle, 3 Shroomish Spores
TM146Grass PledgeClear Team Star’s Psychic Base8,000 LP, 3 Applin Juice, Toedscool Flaps, 3 Deerling Hair
TM102Gunk ShotClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Grimer Toxin, 3 Croagunk Poison, 3 Varoom Fume
TM118Heat WaveClear Team Star’s Fairy Base10,000 LP, 5 Growlithe Fur, 3 Torkoal Coal, 3 Larvesta Fur
TM121Heavy SlamClear Team Star’s Fairy Base5,000 LP, 3 Cufant Tarnish, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Dondozo Whisker
TM029HexClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Greavard Wax
TM117Hyper VoiceClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Litleo Tuft, 3 Tandemaus Fur, 3 Skwovet Fur
TM135Ice BeamClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Cryogonal Ice, 3 Shellder Pearl, 3 Delibird Parcel
TM069Ice PunchClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Cubchoo Fur, 3 Meditite Sweat
TM034Icy WindClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Snom Thread, 3 Snover Berries
TM104Iron DefenseClear Team Star’s Fire Base1,500 LP, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Pineco Husk
TM099Iron HeadClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Cufant Tarnish, 3 Pawniard Blade, 3 Rookidee Feather
TM095Leech LifeClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 3 Suskit Syrup, 3 Venonat Fang, 3 Kricketot Shell
TM075Light ScreenClear Team Star’s Fire Base800 LP, 3 Magnemite Screw, 3 Voltorb Sparks
TM110LiquidationClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Arrokuda Scales, 3 Wiglett Sand, 3 Buizel Fur
TM039Low SweepClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Croagunk Poison, 3 Mankey Fur
TM033Magical LeafClear Team Star’s Dark Base1,500 LP, Smoliv Oil, 3 Petitil Leaf
TM035Mud ShotClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Sandile Claw, 3 Whooper Slime
TM042Night ShadeClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Gastly Gas, 3 Murkrow Bauble
TM151Phantom ForceClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Sinistea Chip, 3 Shuppet Scrap, 3 Greavard Wax
TM127Play RoughClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Fidough Fur, 3 Tandemaus Fur, 3 Tinkatink Hair
TM083Poison JabClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Shroodle Ink, 3 Seviper Fang, 3 Mareanie Spike
TM026Poison TailClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Seviper Fang, 3 Shroodle Ink
TM131Pollen PuffClear Team Star’s Fairy Base10,000 LP, 5 Rellor Mud, 3 Petilil Leaf, 3 Kricketot Shell
TM101Power GemClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 3 Spoink Pearl, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Mareep Wool
TM063Psychic FangsClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Bruxish Tooth, 3 Basculin Fang, 3 Veluza Fillet
TM054PsyshockClear Team Star’s Fire Base5,000 LP, 3 Meditite Sweet, 3 Spoink Pearl, 3 Drowzee Fur
TM074ReflectClear Team Star’s Fire Base800 LP, 3 Drowzee Fur, 3 Flittle Down
TM076Rock BlastClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Nacli Salt, 3 Chewtle Claw
TM086Rock SlideClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Nacli Salt, 3 Rockruff Rock, 3 Bonsly Tears
TM036Rock TombClear Team Star’s Dark Base1,500 LP, 3 Rockruff Rock, 3 Klawf Claw
TM006Scary FaceClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Stantler Hair, 3 Sandile Claw
TM071Seed BombClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Shroomish Spores, 3 Bramblin Twig, 3 Smoliv Oil
TM061Shadow ClawClear Team Star’s Psychic Base3,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Komala Claw
TM070Sleep TalkClear Team Star’s Dark Base400 LP, 3 Hippopotas Sand, 3 Slowpoke Claw
TM148Sludge BombClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Croagunk Poison, 3 Grimer Toxin, 3 Foongus Spore
TM053Smart StrikeClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Chewtle Claw, 3 Heracross Claw
TM030SnarlClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Maschiff Fang, 3 Squawkabilly Feather
TM041Stored PowerClear Team Star’s Dark Base800 LP, 3 Gothita Eyelash, 3 Ralts Dust
TM103SubstituteClear Team Star’s Fighting Base5,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Azurill Fur, 3 Falinks Sweat
TM088Swords DanceClear Team Star’s Fighting Base5,000 LP, 3 Zangoose Claw, 3 Gible Scales, 3 Scyther Claw
TM087TauntClear Team Star’s Fighting Base3,000 LP, 3 Meowth Fur, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Sneasel Claw
TM018ThiefClear Team Star’s Dark Base3,000 LP, 3 Houndour Fang, 3 Shroodle Ink
TM068Thunder PunchClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Meditite Sweat
TM126ThunderboltClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Pachirisu Fur, 3 Tadbulb Mucus, 3 Pichu Fur
TM109TrickClear Team Star’s Fairy Base5,000 LP, 3 Shuppet Scrap, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Sinistea Chip
TM060U-turnClear Team Star’s Psychic Base3,000 LP, 3 Nymble Claw, 3 Scyther Claw
TM045VenoshockClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Salandit Gas
TM145Water PledgeClear Team Star’s Psychic Base8,000 LP, 3 Luvdisc Scales, 3 Alomomola Mucus, 3 Shellder Pearl
TM011Water PulseClear Team Star’s Fire Base1,500 LP, 3 Buizel Fur, 3 Magikarp Scales
TM077WaterfallClear Team Star’s Fairy Base8,000 LP, 5 Magikarp Scales, 3 Basculin Fang, 3 Arrokuda Scales
TM147Wild ChargeClear Team Star’s Fighting Base10,000 LP, 5 Shinx Fang, 3 Pichu Fur, 3 Tynamo Slime
TM107Will-O-WispClear Team Star’s Fire Base3,000 LP, 3 Salandit Gas, 3 Shuppet Scrap
TM105X-ScissorClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Fomantis Leaf, 3 Tarountula Thread, 3 Kricketot Shell
TM059Zen HeadbuttClear Team Star’s Psychic Base5,000 LP, 3 Veluza Fillet, 3 Girafarig Fur, 3 Dunsparce Scales

How to unlock TM Recipes

While you can unlock new TMs in the TM Machine by picking up TM Pokeballs in Paldea Region and defeating Gym Leaders or Team Star Bosses, you can also use TM Recipe to unlock new TMs. After clearing Team Star Base in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you unlock recipes. Therefore, simply go through the entirety of Starfall Street to unlock all the above-listed TM recipes.  

In addition, you also gain LPs and valuable crafting materials from Penny at the end of every Team Star Base. What’s more, we all know that Draco Meteor is a move that fascinates every player, and to get its recipe, you’ll need to defeat Penny at the end of Starfall Street story path.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet TMs – FAQ

Where can you craft TMs in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

You can craft technical machines at any of the green machines found at Pokecenters around the map.

How do you get Pokemon materials in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

You can get Pokemon Materials by using the auto battle feature.

About the Author

Si Yan

Si Yan is an editor on, researching interesting topics, working with a team for content creation and then editing onto site. Game wise Si Yan loves Pokémon and Super Mario.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

  • Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
  • Genre(s): RPG
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