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- The game is meant to be challenging. Akin to Fallout 3 / NV.
- Early game settlements make a lit of difference knowing where they are
- The game wants you to use trial and error to figure out where you should be questing and fighting enemies
- Crafting is a savior for your limited ammo supply and upgrading weapons and armour.
The difficulty of Fallout London has taken many players by surprise. The lack of power armour, hard-to-find weapons, players can find Fallout London to be a bit of a challenge. It’s so noticeable challenge that some fans love, while others are a bit set back by it. No matter what side of the fence you are on, here are some recommendations and tips for the Fallout London difficulty.
Fallout London difficulty tips
The main thing to note about the Fallout London difficulty is that the game is meant to be challenging. Unlike how Fallout 4 plays, you are limited with how early you get Settlements, weapons, armour, and other bits and pieces.
To avoid some of the early pitfalls, there are a few early-game settlements. Some of the easiest to find are those on London Bridge or the Airport. You’ll find London Bridge organically via the main story, with the airport more naturally found near Vagabond exploration. You can also get the Covent Gardens settlement if you go west from the main story quests that take you to Monument. Alternatively, the Lambeth settlements when you start exploring near the Imperial War Museum for the early game main storylines.
As for the weapons and armour, they can easily be given from completing quest chains. These weapons are often named weapons or armour that are huge power spikes. Some of the main storyline missions give you strong dedicated power spike weapons. Most don’t pose too much of a challenge to get either. Some of the other side storyline stuff is also the same, however, the more you explore, the more likely you are to find quests with legendary enemies. These legendary enemies have stars next to their names which can be hard to kill. Yet, most of these enemies drop special items.
Figure out what enemies in those areas you are finding it easier to kill and check the landmarks for extra rewards. We have a guide on getting some really good early-game weapons to try your luck with. We recommend the Musket pistol for its very high best damage, making it a good early-game boss-killing weapon. It also chunks the robot enemies too, which are notoriously hard to kill with their armour. You can find these around the Naval College, and HMS Belfast for example. Other forms of semi-auto rifles are also good, as well as the pistols and named weapons you get, such as the Ferryman’s Quest weapon reward.
Crafting is also extremely important. Constantly trading will bleed tickets, and the safe cracking is somewhat RNG for getting good items or ammo. So, crafting is very reliable. You’ll find crafting benches in main story areas, alongside the ones you build at settlements. Memorise the materials needed to upgrade your guns, and craft yourself ammo for your favourite weapons to make the process easier.
The only other suggestion we have is to watch your pathing. Some areas are deliberately harder, with a few enemies also being strong for even early-game levels. It’s designed to give you a challenge. The best advice is to save often, and try to experiment a bit more with the enemies you are fighting in different regions. If you come to an area where enemies are particularly tough, then it means checking more side quests to complete, alongside fighting easier enemies.
On a final note, be aware that your health is somewhat bugged, as is your damage. There are a few items that cause bugs, such as the beer pad. We recommend checking the Team Folon discord for bugged damage and health modifiers before the next patch. Those are making the game even more difficult than normal. We originally wrote this in July 24, but there may be other combat bugs post this date, making the tip still relevant.