Best ways to make money in Fabledom 

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✓ At a glance
  • Resident taxes will be your main source of income during the early phases of the game.
  • Building a Golden Goose Coop can skyrocket your income, but you’ll need a Hero to obtain it.
  • Maintain high desirability to win Beauty Contests for additional income.

You’ll need to establish a steady income to keep your kingdom up and running in Fabledom. With coins coming in regularly, you can easily build new housing developments and resource production sites, expand to new territories, and help those in need while providing for your Fablings. You might even have the means to pay off those threatening your realm or wandering merchants with useful wares.  

While saving your earnings is a tough task in the early game, spending what you have on necessities, there’s a handful of ways to pocket coins quickly. Here’s a rundown of the best ways to make money in Fabledom. 

How to Make Money Fast

A city-building game interface showing an overview of resources and economy, reminiscent of the legendary kingdom of Fabledom. The summary includes income, upkeep, and population details with a notification: "Tax controls require a fully staffed Bank to make money efficiently.
Income and expenses can be hard to balance early on. Captured by VideoGamer

From the very beginning, resident taxes will make up the bulk of your income. On the bright side, you start off with a few Fablings under your wing and plenty of opportunities to welcome new residents, securing regular payments as you play. However, there’s a few other ways to earn money and turn a profit as you pursue new projects and expand your territory. 

1. House residents of different classes

Screenshot of a town management game interface in Fabledom, showing a list of villagers, their needs, professions, and statuses, with a detailed top-down view of the game world in the background. Learn how to make money efficiently as you manage your growing village.
Proper housing leads to higher tax gains. Captured by VideoGamer

As mentioned, your residents will faithfully pay their taxes on a regular basis. Peasants are the largest class of Fablings and relatively easy to maintain, eating little food and performing a variety of jobs. Although taxes can eventually be adjusted with access to a bank, peasants pay the least by default. Higher classes, including commoners and nobles, naturally deliver larger payments. You’ll need to build adequate housing and meet the unique needs of these Fablings to reap the rewards, but doing so is certainly worth it. 

2. Keep upkeep costs low

An interface in Fabledom shows a summary screen with various statistics and information about resources, upkeep, and taxes. The background displays a detailed game scene of a village, providing players insights on how to make money efficiently within the game.
Hemorrhaging money? Check your upkeep costs. Captured by VideoGamer

This one is more of a temporary fix, though important to abide by early on. As you establish more housing and resource production sites, upkeep costs will soar. At least in the beginning stages of Fabledom, it’s best to invest only in the essentials: homesteads, basic wells, farming, lumber, stone, and coal. This will provide you with the resources you need to build new projects and steadily welcome more Fablings. 

3. Establish high desirability

A colorful bird's-eye view in Fabledom showcases a vibrant medieval-style village in a paused strategy game, featuring various buildings, pathways, trees, and a windmill with interface icons at the top of the screen. Curious how to make money? Manage resources wisely to grow your village.
Fablings will pay more to live in a beautiful town. Captured by VideoGamer

Once you have the essentials down, you should shift your focus to improving your realm’s desirability. Not only will this impress current residents and encourage more to move in, but it can also earn you cash rewards in Beauty Contest events against other kingdoms. I received a lump sum of 800 coins by coming in first, so my advice is to set up gardens, benches, shrubs, and amenities like inns and puppet shows where you can. You can monitor desirability and overall happiness by switching to Desirability View with the eye icon at the bottom of your screen or click the paper icon from the menu bar to see a resident’s wellbeing and recent thoughts. 

4. Build the Golden Goose Coop

A winter-themed game screenshot featuring a snowy village with buildings and a tower. A "Golden goose coop" upgrade is selected, displaying its details and limitations in an info panel on how to make money with this lucrative feature. Various in-game menus are visible.
It literally lays golden eggs. Captured by VideoGamer

Though not an option from the start, the Golden Goose Coop turns grain into gold, adding to your profits over time. You can unlock this structure by sending a hero up a mature beanstalk and seeing their return. This also earns your hero a ton of experience in the process. Just be sure to build the coop near a wheat field or granary for maximum efficiency. 

5. Reach population milestones

A game screen showing a milestone reached in Fabledom. The message details rewards including resources, housing, a puppet show, café, and large clock tower. Learn how to make money while expanding your kingdom! The "Continue" button is visible at the bottom.
Hitting milestones unlocks more than just new buildings. Captured by VideoGamer

As long as you have the housing and resources needed to maintain your current populace, you’re safe to invite new residents to your kingdom. You’ll eventually reach population milestones denoting the size of your realm, such as Village or City status. This earns you cash rewards and access to new structures to keep you moving on the path forward.  

About the Author


  • Platform(s): PC
  • Genre(s): Casual, Simulation, Strategy