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- There are six suitors to meet, three princes and three princesses.
- Each prospective partner has different gifting requirements and offers different benefits from a successful courtship.
Fabledom features six romance options: three princes and three princesses. Each is the ruler of their respective kingdom, upholding unique sets of ideals and offering up a variety of courting gifts. By completing a character’s romance questline and tying the knot, you’ll also gain access to a permanent buff, dubbed True Love’s Gift. What this gift entails depends entirely on who you’ve chosen to marry, but each has its benefits.
Whether you aim to rule with an iron fist and conquer remaining territories or befriend other kingdoms to keep the peace, there’s an eligible bachelor or bachelorette on the same page. Luckily, marriage candidates aren’t gender-locked, but you’re permitted just one courtship at a time. This adds some pressure when deciding who to marry, but we’ve weighed the pros and cons, so you don’t have to. Here are the best romance options in Fabledom.
Our list of best rulers to marry
There are 6 rulers to choose from for marriage and we have list our top 4 below.
4. Ramone: The Bard Prince
- Courting Gifts: Dancing stage, carousel, jester hat
- Difficulty: Medium
A perfect partner for the free spirit, Ramone is a well-traveled ruler known throughout the territories as the Bard Prince. His likes include parties and artistry, both of which are reflected in his vision for marriage and your shared kingdom.
He’s looking for someone who accepts his lighthearted nature and supports his whims. Though he’s admittedly unpredictable, you can count on a good time thanks to his marriage gift, which increases the max happiness of your people to 200, boosting productivity accordingly.
3. Sir Payne: The Dark Knight
- Courting Gifts: Prison cell, strategic council, helmet
- Difficulty: Hard
Sir Payne is one of two romance options with a military focus. What sets the Dark Knight apart, however, is the scale of his marriage and courting gifts. If you choose to marry the iron-clad ruler, enemy deaths will reward you with a sum of coins determined by how strong your opponents were – but that’s not all he has to offer.
With Sir Payne’s guidance and strategic council, your army will flourish, though at the cost of your people. By imprisoning your Fablings, upkeep costs will be cut, and your enemies will, well, suffer.
2. Farrah: The Tinker Princess
- Courting Gifts: Regenerator, tinkers guild, goggles
- Difficulty: Medium
The Tinker Princess, Farrah, was my first pick on my own Fabledom playthrough and she remains one of the best romance options in the game. Clever and inventive, she’s driven to maximize productivity by prioritizing industrial projects. Her marriage gift mirrors this goal, boosting production speed by 20% if you have less than 50 units in storage. I don’t know about you, but I could use some help storing resources.
While she tends to favor working with machinery over her subjects, Farrah perfectly complements players who aim to maintain a peaceful, productive realm.
1. Agnes: The Harvest Princess
- Courting Gifts: Flower farm, tulips (crop), harvest guild, laurel wreath
- Difficulty: Easy
After some careful consideration, Agnes is easily the best romance option. The Harvest Princess is among the kindest of rulers on the map, valuing the happiness of her people above all else. To spread joy throughout her kingdom, she prioritizes farming and bountiful harvests. Naturally, she loves to see healthy fields and flowers growing.
Agnes’ courting and marriage gifts reflect her generosity and ideals, which outweigh those of other candidates. Not only does she offer up one more courting gift than other rulers, but your marriage also promises five nobility for every 20 days of food remaining at the start of each year. Nobility is tough to come by, so this is an invaluable reward for your hard work.
All romance options
On your Fabledom playthrough, you’ll meet six princes and princesses who rule over the remaining kingdoms on the map. Giovanni is among the first to reach out, but in order to become acquainted with each of the marriage candidates, you’ll need to send messengers to other territories. You can do this in any order, but you’ll eventually meet all six royals:
- Giovanni: The Merchant Prince
- Agnes: The Harvest Princess
- Farrah: The Tinker Princess
- Ramone: The Bard Prince
- Winifred: The Warrior Princess
- Sir Payne: The Dark Knight