Call of Duty Black Ops 6 multiplayer tips and tricks for beginners and veterans

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Are you struggling to master the new Omnimovement system in Black Ops 6? Are the bullets not quite hitting your intended target? Then these tips and tricks will certainly help you climb towards the very top of the scoreboard in multiplayer. We cover everything from mastering the slide cancel to a few hints on nailing the most of the new movement system.

Black Ops 6 complete tips guide

The sixth entry into the Black Ops series is packed with new weaponry and maps, and providing you can get past the terrible spawning, there’s a lot of fun to be had. The biggest change this year compared to Modern Warfare 3 is the Omnimovement system, which allows you to dive, sprint, and ‘shot dodge’ Max Payne-style during firefights. The good news is that it’s relatively simple to get a handle on, but as with everything, it will take time before you’re using it for a tactical advantage rather than just a way to rack up stylized kills.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 player sprinting in directions and firing gun at target
Omnimovement creates a weapon sway that can affect accuracy (see above), plus it allows players to dive and shoot at the same time. GIF captured by VideoGamer

Before kicking off, we strongly recommend you complete the Black Ops 6 training course. Given just how different the game feels from last year’s – it’s faster, combined with a more sophisticated movement system – learning the ropes is a must. It only takes a few minutes to complete and makes all the difference when all of your opponents are attempting to outplay you with well-timed slides or mid-air dives down staircases. If you’re playing on PC, we also recommend calibrating the game in line with our best settings, which we’ve come up with to maximise FPS at minimal cost to fidelity. Ensure you’re using the best controller settings so factors such as sensitivity are optimal. Once you’ve checked this off, please read on for more advanced tips.

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1. Don’t try to master all the weapons immediately

Image of the XM4 assault rifle on the loadout preparation screen in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.
Learn the weapons, so you know how to use them and what to expect when you face them. Captured by VideoGamer

Black Ops 6 contains an extensive weapon arsenal and there’s a chance a handful stand out from the crowd thanks to their superior performance. For us, the XM4 is arguably the most well-rounded gun in the game, for both beginners and veterans. If you’re struggling to find the right attachment, check out our best XM4 loadout that we think really gets the most out of the weapon. Use short, controlled bursts for targets further away, while getting comfortable shooting from the hip should you run into targets in close proximity.

Spend some time in the Free For All game mode, as this is the quickest way to get up to speed with both the gameplay changes and the subtle weapon differences. Make sure that you use the Firing Range between loading maps, and try to get your accuracy at all levels above the 70% mark.

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2. Scope out the maps early

Getting familiar with the layout of the maps and how they flow is just as important as unlocking the strongest attachments for a particular weapon. In Black Ops 6, the majority of battlegrounds feature a classic three-lane design meaning it’s easy to anticipate where the next fight could be coming from.

Image of a player exploring the Red Card map in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.
Take the time to explore the maps and learn the best lanes and spots. Captured by VideoGamer

For example, the walkway overlooking the swimming pool on Skyline allows you to move from one side of the map to the other. But it also acts as the perfect platform for you to dive into the water below to make a play worthy of any highlight reel. From all of the maps we’ve played, there are a few killzones to keep an eye on. Babylon, for example, has a ton of action in the centre of the map and to the east.

If you’re using a mid-long range weapon, your best bet is to avoid this area and instead try picking off targets from range near a parked truck. Rewind, meanwhile, really plays to those with longer-range weapons, with the dumpster area providing one of the most effective camping spots in the game – should you want to play that way. It really does pay to forget about your XP and spend a handful of games just getting to grips with the launch maps.

3. Sort out Tactical Sprint

We highlighted as soon as the game launched that you must change the default Tac Sprint option. This is because it creates an Aim Down Sight (ADS) delay, which will slow down your ability to react. Head into the game’s menu and switch the setting to ‘On’. This should minimise any delay and ensure you’re not at a disadvantage.

Make sure that Tactical Sprint is switched to ‘On’ to avoid an ADS delay. Image taken by

4. Master Omnimovement and never stay still

With Omnimovement so central to gameplay, mastering it is a must. One of the best ways to improve movement is to slide around corners. So, instead of approaching a corner normally, sprint then slide, making sure your weapon is pointing to the area around the corner. Should there be an enemy there, quickly lock and fire. Using a weapon like the XM4 here is perfect, as its fire rate is enough to allow for some inaccuracy, but it’s also precise enough when you want it to be to deal decent damage.

Using a weapon like the XM4 here is perfect, as its fire rate is enough to allow for some inaccuracy, but it’s also precise enough when you want it to be to deal decent damage.

Another good technique is to ‘shot dodge’ during a gunfight, rather than try to bob and weave. Simply dive to the left or right and shoot at your foe while you do it. You won’t get it right immediately, but incorporating this move into your game plan will confuse opponents who feel bound to the previous MW3 tactics.

In this year’s game, even your typical slide cancel has changed. You can’t just ‘break’ a slide midway anymore as this will result in a delay in you returning to firing stance. Instead, check out our detailed slide cancel guide to find out subtle ways to get the best out of the move. Remember, don’t be afraid to Tactical Sprint.

5. Get comfortable switching to secondary weapons

Secondary weapons, especially the entry-level pistols actually deal decent damage, so don’t be afraid to switch to them. In firefights, unless safe, don’t risk a reload and instead get used to finishing wounded foes off with precise pistol shots. This helps improve your accuracy overall and it’s always far quicker than a reload. We would always recommend a pistol in Black Ops 6.

6. Use a Marksman Rifle for a few games

Black Ops 6 player holding SWAT 5.56 marksman rifle with sunset in background
SWAT 5.56 is the entry-level marksman rifle. Captured by VideoGamer

Hear me out. Marksman Rifles are typically among the most powerful weapons in the game, balanced with cumbersome reloading and ADS speed. Weapons like the SWAT 5.56 are designed for players who are accurate, and usually rewards them with quick kills providing shots are on target and in critical zones, such as the head. I would always recommend you give this weapon class a go. Yes, you’ll likely get hammered in multiplayer to start, but in time, the focus on accuracy can drastically increase your performance. Spending a few games with this, then swapping back to a more forgiving weapon like the XM4 is a fantastic way to work on reflexes and mastering headshots, improving your overall game.

Yes, you’ll likely get hammered in multiplayer to start, but in time, the focus on accuracy can drastically increase your performance.

7. Get comfortable with the drop shot

As someone who has played every Call of Duty, drop-shotting is back with a bang this year. For those new to the move, it involves going prone either just before or during a gunfight. This creates a challenge for the opponent who will need to adjust their aim. Get this right by mastering your weapon’s recoil and firing pattern and the drop shot can be a game changer.

8. Use the Firing Range to master recoil and headshots

This is an obvious one, but get used to your weapon’s firing pattern so you can adjust it accordingly to deal maximum damage. Don’t aim for the head if your weapon spray veers upwards, as this will mean that after a few shots you’ll be mostly off target. Instead, opt for the upper torso when aiming, and try to get the weapon’s natural recoil do the work and creep bullet hits up naturally towards the head.

This is particularly important for guns that use burst fire, usually Marksman Rifles. Aim just below the head so the first bullet hits the upper chest, and then the remaining two hit the critical area. Listen out for an audio cue, which is triggered should you land a headshot. This is played during the Firing Range, so you’ll soon get used to it.

9. Play the objective

Aside from Team Deathmatch, playing the objective in Black Ops 6 is a surefire way to earn those hard-to-reach Scorestreaks along with helping your team defeat the opposition. Whether it’s sitting in a Hardpoint hill or making a last-ditch dive towards a Domination zone, locking down specific areas of the map goes a long way. Objective players rarely get the credit they deserve but with score now required to earn the Chopper Gunner, it’s always worth clocking up some hill time in the heat of battle.

With this guide, you should be comfortable to challenge anyone in Black Ops 6 multiplayer. Check out the player progression rewards, as well as all the campaign missions if you decide to go that route.

Which mastery camo skin is your favourite in Black Ops 6?

About the Author

Jon Nicholson

Jon is a Freelance Writer for VideoGamer. When he's not obsessing over Call of Duty and Warzone, you can find him on the virtual racetrack sim racing.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre(s): Shooter