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- Slo-Mo Casino features 7 bots and 3 puzzle pieces to find
- The level features a freeze mechanic that suspends time so you can use moving objects for platforming
Slo-Mo Casino drops you into a wild gambling paradise with arguably some of the toughest platforming in the game up to this point. To help you, Astro picks up a nifty slo-mo ability that allows you to briefly slow time by tapping R2, allowing you to jump on moving darts, avoid electrified wheels, and even freeze enemies in place when things get too hectic.
We’ll walk you through where to find all 7 bots and 3 puzzle pieces to 100% the level. For other Serpent Starway levels, check out our guides for Bathhouse Battle, Free Big Brother!, and Trapped In Time.
Bot 1
At the entrance to the casino, stand on the platform above the pond. Press R2 just as the dolphins are jumping then use them as steps to reach the ledge above the entrance. Defeat the two yellow blob enemies and grab the bot.
Bot 2
Once you go through the curtains into the casino proper to the area with the slot machines, turn right and approach the rightmost slot machine. Slow time so that the display shows three Astro helmets then hit the red button to free the bot.
Bot 3
After the spinning roulette wheel you have to freeze to progress, keep on going until you come to a vertical platforming section with the tilting platforms. There’s a ledge up beyond the first one on your left with the bot on it. Freeze the platform with R2 then jump up.
Bot 4 – Ring-Tailed Thief
Progress through the level, until you come to the first set of flying chips. Press R2 to pause and climb up to the ledge above. Turn around, then freeze them again and use them to reach the cage. Press in the second block starting from the left to access the cage.
Bot 5
After the first two card enemies you need to freeze to defeat and the large door, look down on your left next to the checkpoint. Hop down to the platform, freeze the fan when the bot is closest to the ground.
Bot 6 – Dice Tumbler
After the big dice you need to freeze to hop across and the second chameleon enemy, move the chips on your left to reveal a jump pad. Hop across and into the blue circle to reach a secret area. Jump on the dice to make them disappear and reveal the bot.
Bot 7 – Phantom Thief
Reach the dart board section near the end of the casino. Go to the second lot of darts and freeze them as they are about to hit the board. Jump on the right most one and hop onto the ladder above to reach the Persona bot.
Puzzle 1
After the first spinning roulette wheel, continue to the tilting platform section. Go to the platform in the very top right – the one next to a neon light of a bunny coming out of a top hat. The puzzle piece is on the platform.
Puzzle 2
When you reach the chips you need to freeze to climb up and encounter a chameleon enemy, look down to your left to see a spinning roulette wheel. Press R2 to pause it and jump down and grab the puzzle piece.
Puzzle 3
When you reach the second dart board, look down over the edge ahead and you’ll see a platform below. Drop down. Freeze the turning ledges and climb up to reach the puzzle pieces.