All Astro Bot Dude Raiding bots and puzzle pieces

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✓ At A Glance
  • The level features 6 bots and 3 puzzle pieces to find
  • You’re special ability is Nathan Drake from Uncharted’s pistol

Dude Raiding drops Astro into a jungle styled on Naughty Dog’s acclaimed Uncharted series. To help deal with the above-average amount of enemy, you get to fire off Nathan Drake’s pistol. The level has a suitably generous amount of vines to swing about on and even a temple portion to really test your platforming skills.

We’ll walk you through where to find all 6 bots and 3 puzzle pieces to 100% the level. For more help completing the Serpent Starway, check our guides to the Slo-Mo Casino, Bathhouse Battle, Free Big Brother, and Trapped In Time planets.

Astro Bot Dude Raiding: Astro exploring the jungle.
Climb to the top of the shipwreck to find the bot. Captured by VideoGamer

Bot 1 – Looting Virtuoso

You’ll find this bot at the very top of the shipwreck near the start of the level, just on from where you pick up the pistol and gun down the first batch of enemies.

Bot 2 – Moustachioed Mentor

After the shipwreck, use the masts to cross the lake. Once you’re on solid ground look left and up to spot a plane balancing on a tree branch in the ruins with a bot standing on one of the wings. Use the vine on the right to swing across to a platform, continue up, then use another vine to reach the plane and the bot.

Astro Bot Dude Raiding: Astro exploring the jungle.
Hop one the silver turtles to reach the island. Captured by VideoGamer

Bot 3 – No-nonsense Merc

Press on with the level until you have to explode a barrel to break through a wall then slide down a ramp. When you land near the turtles in the lake, look right. The bot is on an island. Use the turtle as stepping stones to reach the bot.

Astro Bot Dude Raiding: Astro exploring the jungle.
Climb to the top of the submarine to find the bot. Captured by VideoGamer

Bot 4 – Tenacious Reporter

After blowing the jeep, use it to cross the water, then climb up and use the two vines to reach the next platform. When you land, look left, and you’ll spot the bot up on a rusty submarine.

Dude Raiding is a fantastic farming level due to the glut of enemies if you’re ever short on coins for the gacha machine.

Astro Bot Dude Raiding: Astro exploring the jungle.
Grapple to the very top of the shaft. Captured by VideoGamer

Bot 5 – False Ancestor

When you reach the temple, open the large door then grapple up the rope all the way to the top and turn around. You’ll see a ledge you can hop across to. The bot is on top of the treasure chest.

Astro Bot Dude Raiding: Astro exploring the jungle.
Clear out the enemies before grabbing the bot. Captured by VideoGamer

Bot 6 – Prodigal Brother

After grappling up the tall shaft in the temple, press on across the tightrope. The bot is hiding behind cover on the right near the group of enemies attacking you.

Puzzle 1

Once you’ve acquired the pistol, continue on until you come to the shipwreck. If you look careful through the hole in the hull, you’ll see the puzzle piece spinning around. Take the two wobbly platforms to the left of the ship, gun down the enemies on the ship, then hop across. Take a right and destroy the lock on the door ahead. Pull on the cord to access the puzzle piece.

Puzzle 2

After the shipwreck at the start of the level, press on across the lake jumping to the two masts. Once you hit solid ground, look left and you’ll see the puzzle piece behind a gate. You need to hit the two rotating blocks on both sides of the gate so that they match the symbol on the one above the gate. In this case, it’s two hearts.

Puzzle 3

Once you enter the temple and land in the room with all the bones covering the ground, turn around. Ahead is a chest. Hit it to reveal the puzzle piece.

About the Author

Tom Bardwell

Tom is guides editor here at VideoGamer.

Astro Bot

  • Platform(s): PlayStation 5
  • Genre(s): Platformer